Click on Track Title for the lyrics.

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Blues Revue Magazine Dec/Jan 2005 - "It's a thoroughly engaging and
enjoyable disc." Blues Bytes Magazine - "The surprise of the year for me. Great songs, great guitar, great performance. Don't miss this one."
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Track 1 -My Mojo's Just Too Weak

Verse 1:
It wasn’t long ago that I was free to get around
I was no Casanova, but I was free to get around B7
But since I met you baby AE
My love ship’s run a ground
Chorus 1:
Ooo baby, your so sweet
But Baby, you put some potent spell on me
I tried to hold you off, but my Mojo’s just too weak
Verse 2:
It wasn’t long ago that I would say good morning girls
But now I go right by, seems I in another world
All the pages in my black book, turned yellow then shriveled up and curled
Chorus 2:
Ooo baby, your so sweet
But Baby, you put some kind of spell on me
I tried to hold you off, but my Mojo’s just too weak
Well I went to Madam Clara, to get some John the Conqueroo
She took one look into my palm, said there ain’t no help for you
Chorus After Bridge:
Ooo baby, your so sweet
But Baby, you put some kind of spell on me
I tried to hold you off, but my Mojo’s just too weak
Verse 3:
Now we got two kids and live in a house with the in laws up the street
Those little girls’ they got your knack for looking cute and being sweet
But they put some kind of spell on us that makes even your Mojo look weak.

Track 2 - That Was It?

Chorus 1:
So that’s my life?
That’s my life?
That was it?
That’s my life?
That’s my life?
That was it?
That was it?
That Can’t be all, I had so many things planned I never did.
Verse 1:
Guess I ate too many French fries and had too many shakes
There should have been some warning, “don’t eat this everyday.”
Now the preachers in the corner, he don’t hardly know my name.
I can hear him tell my brother, “God works in mysterious ways.”
Chorus 2:
But that’s my life?
Is that my life?
That was it?
That’s my life?
That’s my life?
That was it?
That Can’t be all, I had so many things planned I never did.
Verse 2:
I wanted to go to Mardi Gras and join the Peace Corp., no really!
I wanted to drive a new car and drive to New York City.
I was gonna payback uncle Bob, I wanted to get a steady job.
I was gonna complin a little less and call my family more.
I was gonna tell my dad, I didn’t mean to beat up on Ron.
I was gonna confess I took the money from mommas cookie jar.
And I think I’m pretty sure that I am really very sorry.
You know I’m not so good at these things, although I get lots of practice.
Chorus 2:
That’s my life.
That my life?
That was it.
That’s my life?
That’s my life?
That was it?
That Can’t be all, I had so many things planned I never did.
Chorus 3:
So that’s my life.
That my life?
That was it.
So that’s my life.
I kind of thought
there’d be more to it.
I was just about to make my peace
When I heard the red-haired nurse say,
He’ll pull through it.

Track 3 - Would You Help Me Get Through This Life

Verse 1:
I could leave just walk away
Try to believe it doesn’t matter anyway
But I’d be fooling myself
Like I have done before
So many times before
I asked my brother, what should I do
He laughed at me and said she’s made for you
Chorus 1:
She could help you get through this life
She could be there when you get old
She could help you get trough through this life
And hold you when It gets cold
I know that we agreed to meet in 30 days
To finally decide if we should go our separate ways

It’s just an accident that we should meet this soon
But I know what to do
Don’t need more time to think it through
Chorus 2:
I Could you help you get through this life
I could be there when you get old
I could you help you get trough through this life
And hold you when you get cold
Chorus 3:
Would you help me get through this life
Would you be there when I get old
Would you help me get trough through this life
And hold me when I get cold

Track 4 – You’re Driving Me Crazy

Verse 1:
You’re driving me crazy
Please leave me alone
You start up in the morning
And you don’t quit when the sun goes down
I don’t understand you
Or the way that you cry

You sound just like a baby
Gives me chills and makes my blood pressure rise
Bridge 1:
I give you everything you need to be happy
You get the best food that my money can buy
Although last year lost a tooth or two
Your bites still bad enough to make the kids cry
Verse 2:
You’re driving me crazy

You must think it’s your job
If you’d take a small vacation
Be enough to make this grown man sob
Bridge 2:
Besides biting over eating and sleeping
You throw up all over the living room rug
If I had known you’d get this big and live this long
Fifteen years ago, I would have got a dog
Verse 3:
You’re driving me crazy

Please leave me alone
You start up in the morning
And you go past when the sun goes down
You’re driving me crazy

Please leave me alone
I’d die a happy knowing what quiet morning is in my home

Track 5 – I Must Be Gone

Verse 1:
I must be gone
Oh, I must be gone
Yea, I must be gone,
I’ve been trying to butt in for a half an hour
But no-body seems to see
Verse 2:
I must be invisible
Yea that’s it, I’m invisible (I always wanted to be that)
I must be invisible,
Yea I’ve been bobbing and weaving my head
But nobody looks this way
Don’t get me wrong I’m having a good time
Sitting around this table with all your girl friends
And I must be the envy of all the other guys
But there’s so much girl talk going
I just can’t get in
Verse 2:
Well, it’s a dream
Yea I know it must be a dream
Yea it’s just a dream
But I woke up when the waiter brought the check, every-body
Everybody looked at me
Ending Verse 4:
But I’m not invisible
Yea and I know its not a dream
But I’m gone
Yea, cause I found out
It’s raining outside and I’m gone
Yea I’ve gone to get the car

Track 5 - She Laid It On

Verse 1:
She’s a pretty little thing.
And she looks so meek and shy.
Just sitting in the auto service center.
To see what problem they would find.
And when the man called out her name,
She went right up to the desk.
He said, ma’am I got bad news.
You haven’t take care of this car, and it’s just a mess.
Then he handed her the estimate, grinned a little and then he sighed.
As she looked up and down the paper,
The fire was building up in her eyes.
But when she got to the bottom line,
She turned red and started shaking, and that’s when
Doctor Jekyll turned into Mrs. Hide
Chorus 1:
Hoo man, he didn’t have a clue you know.
People aren’t always what they seem to be.
Hoo yea, she only has but one mean bone.
He hit when he blamed her.
He’s the one that’s been deceived.
Hoo yea, she laid it on the man you know.
Both barrels were firing at one time.
Hoo yea, she laid it on the man you know.
He didn’t see it coming,
Felt sorry for the guy.
Verse 2:
She said “Now I don’t need no headlight fluid.
And one transmission is all I had in mind.
You can tell your story to the judge mister,
cause you just crossed over the line.”
She looked him in the eye and said “Now I don’t want to own your shop,
So, the only thing you’re fixing is the clunk the car makes when it stops.”
Well, his mouth was hanging wide open.
And he said sure ma’am that’s on me.
She went back to Doctor Jekyll and said “Please hurry, I’m late you see”
Hoo man, he didn’t have a clue you know.
People aren’t always what they seem to be.
Hoo yea, she only has but one mean bone.
He hit when he blamed her.
He’s the one that’s been deceived.
Hoo yea, she laid it on the man you know.
Both barrels were firing at one time.
Hoo yea, she laid it on the man you know.
He didn’t see it coming,
Felt sorry for the guy.

Track 6 - Stuck Being Me

Verse 1:
When I was a boy I thought I’d fly in space or make big rockets that shook up the place.
I thought a lot about the things I’d be, but I got stuck being me.
I wanted to be some kind of football star. Score lots of touchdowns and help the team go far.
I had big dreams of things I’d be. But I got stuck being me.
I found out it ain’t so easy going into outer space.
It really does take some kind of luck I have to say.
And the football players have gotten so big now, only size XXXL get to play. Dad said “Play Saxophone like I did in the band. Take 32 bars south in after jams.” I dug that idea, but as luck would be, I picked one and two and it was three.
Now I don’t want to make it seem like I’m full of regrets. I don’t have a long list of things I would change. But, I think I had the right stuff to be a saxophone man. Don’t have to be big. Don’t have to be named John Glenn.
Verse 2:
When I was a boy I thought I’d fly in space or make big rockets that shook up the place.
But that was a little more than luck could arrange. Had to play the hand I was dealt with no exchange.

Track 7 - It's Already Too Long

Chorus 1:
Its already too long
Don’t make me wait here anymore
Were already so late
Yea, I can't re-member what we are leaving for
Let’s just for-get all about it
I’ll turn out the lights and lock the door Verse 1:
Verse 1:
The next time I say that were leaving
in an hour or so
Please don’t think that “so” means
three hours or four
I’m on my third glass of Gin and
I really can’t see straight any-more
Chorus 2: (REPEAT OF CHORUS 1)
Bridge 1:
It’s hard for me to imagine what could possibly take you so long
You were already beautiful before you started getting ready to go out
Now I’m seeing double and that will probably men it’s gonna be twice as long
Chorus 3: (REPEAT OF CHORUS 1)
Bridge 2:

Now I know you must be doing something really important up there
Like praying or talking to dead relatives while staring off into the air
And now I’m seeing triple and I’m sure we not going anywhere
Chorus Final:
Its already too ling
Were already so late
I’ll just turn out the lights and lock the door

Track 8 - You Could Just Be Ahead of Your Time

Verse 1:
If you feel like you're all alone
And the things that you like, no-body even knows
And the someone you’ve been admiring pronounces your name all wrong
You could just be ahead of your time
Verse 2:
If you still like those old blue jeans
And the latest fashions could make you scream
Don’t worry cause if you wait awhile your old clothes will be new chic
You could just be ahead of your time
Even Doc Einstein had old shaky hands
By the time it was cool to say it’s All Relative man
Mr. Jefferson said All men are created equal and have the right to liberty
And don't you know were still waiting for every-body to be free.
Verse 3:
If you feel like you’re all alone
And you don’t watch any popular TV shows
Don’t worry because it’s possible that you ain’t got it wrong
You could just be ahead of your time
I’ll bet that someone you've been admiring will eventually come around
You could just be ahead of your time
You could just be ahead of your time
I’ll bet, you could just be ahead of your time

Track 9 -Surrender

Verse 1:
I give up, I surrender
It doesn’t matter anyhow
I lay down my weapons and wave my white flag starting now
Verse 2:
I give up, I capitulate
Unconditional terms are fine
I'm not fond of fighting and sure hate to waste all this time
Bridge 1:
I really can’t give you any reasons
And I don't want to think 'bout this anymore
Why can't we just gaze into the southern starry night
Hold hands and spin it into a Vincent Van Gough
Well, the longer this pot stays on the burner
Yea the hotter the soup is gonna be
Pretty soon it will burn or boil over
Nobody here to clean it up but you and me.
Verse 3:
I give up, I surrender
Col. Custer could've used this phrase
I lay down my weapons I do believe I have found another way.
Bridge 2:
Now who could like the feeling so angry
A minute of being angry is way too long
If we could hold hands and walk by the ocean
Bet we'd forget who was right and who was wrong
Verse 4:
I give up, I capitulate
You can bury my heart at wounded knee
I’ll fight no more forever
Except to keep you here with me.

Track 11 - If I Had Some Dollars

Verse 1:
If I had some dollars, I could call my own
I'd go down to the corner, get a beer and a guacamole ta-co.
But my money left me
Went to people I don’t even know
Chorus 1:
I bit off more than I can chew
It’s as American as picking up the Tacos at drive through window number 2
But now I got a bad case of the overextended blues
Verse 2:
If I had some minutes, that were just for me
I’d take a lazy nap, and have a sweet dream
But last time I checked my watch
The big hand was on you belong to me
Chorus 2:
I bit off more than I can chew
It’s as American as buying stuff on sale you know you’ll never use.
But now I got a bad case of those over extended blues
It started when I signed that stack of papers till my fingertips turned blue.
They said congratulations by the way the first of every month is when your payment’s due.
Only thirty years of writing checks on our new house that really wasn't very new.
By the time I fixed up everything it was time for fix up everything round two.
Verse 3:
If I had 3 dollars, I could call my own
I’d change it to pennies and throw them one by one
 And make a wish on every throw another of my mortgage payments was gone

Bye bye, yea bye, bye